Mariner Finance: West Ohio Food Bank

Rodney Coffey, AVP of the NW Ohio-Indianapolis Region, Linda Hamilton, CEO of the West Ohio Food Bank, and Regina Borja-Floyd, Lima, OH’s Branch Manager

Rodney Coffey, AVP of the NW Ohio-Indianapolis Region, Linda Hamilton, CEO of the West Ohio Food Bank, and Regina Borja-Floyd, Lima, OH’s Branch Manager

On September 4th Mariner Finance hosted a Jeans Day to support the Ohio community! On October 26th, employees presented a $1,500 check through our corporate partnership with Jeffie’s Choice. This food bank is unique as they help provide over 170 entities with food to stock pantries, provide goods to soup kitchens and shelters! They have programs in place for senior citizens and children to be sure they have access to nutritious meals. This includes delivering the goods to those who cannot make it out to pick up them up.